Grapeseed oil
For forever young skin.
It contains all the creams together! Why is grape seed oil so great for anti-aging and dynamic wrinkle prevention? Why is it recommended in all active homemade masks for renewal and regeneration? Grapes are a magical fruit. It is anyway an elixir of life and health. And this happens, because the bioflavonoids of grapes protect cellular DNA from oxidative damage.
Grape oil is therefore an elixir of life and detoxification. Fruit acids are very essential for cell regeneration. In comparison, grapeseed oil contains these valuable elements, (fruit acids) that tend to exfoliate dead cells from our skin. You will find fruit acids countless times on the labels of expensive and promising cosmetics. Especially those that claim to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
*The information provided by Olivenflower is purely informative. They cannot replace an opinion or a visit to a doctor.
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