The agrimonia (agrimonia eupatoria or phonohorto also known as asprozaki, agrimaia, asproxan).
It is a plant with small yellow flowers and has been known since ancient times. Dioscorides named the agrimony “Eupatorio” to honor the King of Pontus Mithridates Eupatorus because he had a lot of knowledge of herbal medicine.
The agrimonium is also known as phonohorto as gargles with its infusion clear the voice. It can be used as a digestive system tonic. It is considered a plant that heals wounds and diseases. The plant is astringent and healing in wounds, swellings, bruises and sprains.
The agrimony is also indicated:
Treats throat inflammations
- Cold
- Laryngitis
- Sore throat
- Pharyngitis
- Indigestion
- Urinary incontinence
- Cystitis
- Treatment of classic colds
- Runny nose.
It is valued as a healing herb for chronic pharyngitis, rheumatism and arthritis.
*The information on herbs and their therapeutic properties, provided by olivenflower, is purely informative. They cannot replace an opinion or a visit to a doctor.
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