Tussilago farfara
Has been known since ancient times, it resembles a yellow daisy and is a herbaceous plant with a thick rhizome and yellow flowers.
It acts as an expectorant, emollient, antitussive, anticatarrhal and diuretic.
It has great antimicrobial action. It is a first class soothing expectorant useful in most problems of the respiratory system. It is given to patients suffering from cough, laryngitis, bronchitis or asthma.
As a mild diuretic it can be used for cystitis and relieves the stinging that a cystitis patient may feel. It has a healing effect, and relieves rheumatic pains and purulent ulcers.
*The information on herbs and their therapeutic properties, provided by olivenflower, is purely informative. They cannot replace an opinion or a visit to a doctor.
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